Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on 18 September 2023


Proceedings of Resources Committee held 29 November 2023

(Appendix 1 refers)


Contact for further information:

Diane Brooks, Principal Member Services Officer - Tel: 01772 866720


Executive Summary

The proceedings of Resources Committee meeting held 29 November 2023.



The Authority is asked to:

i)   Note the proceedings of Resources Committee as set out at appendix 1 now presented;

ii)  Approve the Committee’s recommendation (resolution 27/23 refers) that the Fleet Asset Management Plan 2023 – 2027 be endorsed (subject to budget considerations) as part of the budget approval process in February 2024;

iii) Approve the Committee’s recommendation (resolution 28/23 refers) that the Property and Estate Assets Management Strategy 2023 – 2034 also be endorsed (subject to budget considerations) as part of the budget approval process in February 2024.





Attached at Appendix 1 are the proceedings of the Resources Committee meeting held on 29 November 2023.


The Authority is asked to consider and approve the recommendation that the Fleet Asset Management Plan 2023 – 2027 be endorsed (subject to budget considerations) as part of the budget approval process in February 2024.


In addition, the Authority is asked to consider and approve the recommendation that the Property and Estate Assets Management Strategy 2023 – 2034 also be endorsed (subject to budget considerations) as part of the budget approval process in February 2024. 


Business Risk




Environmental Impact




Equality & Diversity Implications




Financial Risk


Fleet Asset Management

The current Fleet Asset Management spend was approximately £1.5m on vehicles and £0.5m on equipment and breathing apparatus assets per annum.  Within the current revenue and capital budgets, the plan was affordable and ensured value for money. However, both revenue and capital budgets were subject to approval by the Authority at its budget setting meeting in February. 


Estate Asset Management

The revenue budget requirement to maintain the Estate Assets in their current condition was in the region of £3.7m per annum (which excluded the costs associated with PFI station assets, staff costs and waste management).  The capital allocation required to deliver the plan over the initial five-year period of the strategy was: £1.45m in 2023/24 and £8.350m in each of the years 2024/25 – 2027/28 an overall total of £34.875m).


Should the Authority approve the proposed Fleet and Estate Asset Management plans it would set the strategic direction for the Service and allow for longer term planning.


HR Implications




Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers




Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A